The 20 best web development podcasts to feed your tech-loving brain
Mariam Ispiryan • Jul 18, 2022 • 8 min read

1. CodePen Radio
A podcast all about what it's like running a small web software business. CodePen Radio is the go-to web development podcast for small web software owners. The no-sugarcoating approach will help beginners and pro developers level up their skills. With each episode, you get more insight into what it’s like to build a platform like Codepen.

2. Web platform podcast
A weekly show that dives deep into all things web Web Platform podcast is a weekly podcast by HTML W3C with the mission to learn more about the community and meet more influential people who make the web world what it is and what it could be. The weekly show dives into the hottest topics in the development world that you wouldn’t want to miss out on.

3. Developer Tea
The Developer Tea exists to help driven developers connect to their ultimate purpose Jonathan Cutrell, an engineering manager at Guild Education, started the Developer Tea podcast in 2015 to help engineers find clarity, perspective, and purpose in regular short bursts of high-value content. The top-ranked podcast will help you get your head in the game and get all the new tea from the development world weekly.

4. Frontend Happy hour
A podcast featuring panelists of engineers from Netflix, Twitch, & Atlassian Frontend happy hour is the gathering of all the popular and in-demand web developers from platforms such as Netflix, Twitch, & Atlassian. The podcast creates a happy and cozy atmosphere with the guests talking over drinks about Frontend, JavaScript, and career development.

5. CodeNewBie
The most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code Saron established CodeNewbie as a weekly TwitterChat to connect people learning to code. Since then, it has evolved into an inclusive community of people learning to code. The web developer podcast is the perfect fit for junior developers and starters. You not only get well-curated content but you also learn more about established developers and their journey to success.

6. Java Script Jabber
Your Prototype for Great Code If you’re looking for a niche web developer podcast mainly focused on JS, JavaScript Jabber is what you need. It’s a weekly panel discussion about Javascript on the front and back ends. Though the primary focus of the web developer podcast is JS, you also get insights on NodeJS, mobile, and more.

7. Ladybug Podcast
We’re debugging the tech industry. Ladybug is a miraculous web development podcast founded in 2019 by a number of influential female web developers. The Ladybug Podcasts started as a group of Twitter acquaintances who wanted to contribute to the male-dominated tech podcast field. Since 2019, they’ve managed to publish more than 50 resourceful episodes with high-profile guests and in-demand topics all about web development and developers.

8. Full Stack Radio
A podcast for developers interested in building great software products Adam Wathan, the founder of TailWind, is a well-known name in the web development field. He’s also the host and the founder of Full Stack Radio directed to developers who want to level up their skills and build great web products.

9. Shop Talk Show
A weekly podcast about just building websites Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert host Shoptalk Show, a live podcast on front-end web development, design, and user experience. Each week, Dave and Chris are joined by a special guest to help in answering questions submitted by listeners.

10. The Bike Shed
A podcast by thoughtbot The Bike Shed is a web developer podcast built around the experience of its hosts Chris Toomey & Steph Viccari who, on weekly bases, discuss their development experience and challenges with JavaScript, and whatever else is drawing their attention, admiration, or ire.

11. HTTP 203
Discussing philosophies of Web development, life hacks, and some honest truths Jake Archibald and Surma talk about whatever's going on in the world of web development in their podcast "HTTP 203". The episodes offer a good mix of everyday topics and more technical stuff like WASM and call stacks. This mix makes it an ideal listening session when you need to relax but still want to feel like you've improved your developer skills.

12. Indie Hackers Podcast
The best podcasts for indie hackers, by indie hackers Moving a bit away from web development, we want to introduce one of the best podcasts to learn more about what happens once you publish your web products. The Indie Hackers podcast is the ideal source for those who want to learn more about tech entrepreneurship and get their money rolling. The founder and the host of the podcast, Courtland Allen, always makes sure to invite big names in the IT world for them to spill the tea on how to create profitable online businesses.

13. No Code No Problem
Podcast, events, and more on emerging technology If you have no clue what no-code is and how it can help web developers in their projects, the No Code No Problem podcast will help you answer those questions and much more. With each, 6-minute-long episode, you get to learn more and more about how no-code changes the ways people build their apps and websites in the technological landscape.

14. Makerpad podcast
At Makerpad we teach people how to build software solutions without writing code If somehow No Code No Problem is not your cup of tea, we have another great no-code podcast you wouldn’t be able to resist. Makerpad is an online learning platform with a variety of courses, tutorials, and an unmatched community ready to assist begin your no-code journey. The web development podcast is a highly informative no-code resource in which host Ben Tossell interviews no-code tool founders, like Softr's founder Mariam Hakobyan, as well as experts who are using no-code tools and solutions to grow and expand their businesses.

15. VisualDev.FM
From maker interviews to tutorials, we're here to talk about all things no-code Staying up to date is always beneficial for web developers, so learning more about the no-code industry is highly recommended. The Visual Development podcast is the podcast if you want to get familiar with no-code tools and find the right ones specifically for you to automate your tasks or build projects in no time and without a hustle. We also had the honor to be featured in the podcast as a guest. Our cofounder, Mariam Hakobyan, was interviewed on all the things no-code and Softr.

16. Career Chats
Super short, hyper-focused episodes about developer careers Career Chats is all about developer careers and how to upgrade yours. The web development podcast hyper focuses on helping developers advance their careers with 10-minute long episodes. Each episode contains a ton of career-developing tips and you will surely take away one or two tricks from each episode to better shape your career.

17. Modern Web
Covering the latest news on topics such as EmberJS, ReactJS, AngularJS Modern Web is a web development podcast that explores EmberJS, ReactJS, AngularJS, ES2015, RxJS, Functional Reactive Programming, and other web technologies and next-generation frameworks. With Tracy Lee, the founder of The Dots Lab, and a mix of guests you get insights into the development world with varying and fresh views on popular and debatable web topics, making each episode a good listen.

18. React Podcast
Conversations about React with your favorite developers Another great niche web developer podcast is React Podcast. The host Michael Chan invites React developers to an hour-long interview to talk about their journey and what’s going on in the React world they’re currently passionate about.

19. The Undefined Podcast
The only engineering podcast with a 2 drink minimum If you want to loosen up a little while filling your daily dose of tech news, the Undefined Podcast is your one and only. Hosted by two of the most popular web developers on Twitter Jared Palmer and Ken Wheeler, the web developer podcast creates a fun and relaxing atmosphere for the listeners while discussing relevant topics with some of the top names in the tech world.

We inspect the web for you! CTRL+CLICK CAST is a podcast for digital agency owners, developers, freelancers, and web designers. Be sure, they've got something for you if you work on the internet! CTRL+CLICK is created by Bright Umbrella and hosted by online industry veterans Lea Alcantara and Emily Lewis. It was previously known as the EE Podcast.